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TMC-SE Announces Leadership Change

Published on 9/8/2021
     TMC-SE is pleased to announce that Michael A. Demyanovich has been elected TMC-SE President by the TMC-SE Board of Directors, effective 7/20/2021. Mr. Demyanovich replaces outgoing President (il Presidente) Rob Ahler who decided to step down after 4+ years of service to the Club. The Board wishes to sincerely thank Mr. Ahler for his leadership and hard work during his tenure.  

     Mr. Demyanovich was the original founder of TMC-SE going all the way back to 1993, when the club was known as TMC:Florida and was organized as a region under the TMC umbrella.  Subsequently he was successful in having TMC:Florida reorganized as an independent Club as recognized by all other Clubs under the TMC umbrella.  Mr. Demyanovich successfully renamed the Club to TMC:Southeast in 2001, what we currently know as TMC-SE, prior to his  move to Tennessee.  This change enabled the club to better reflect the growing membership from the entire Southeast region of the U.S.  Mr. Demyanovich served as President of both TMC:Florida and TMC-SE for a combined total of 17 years.